Thursday 15 September 2016


Well it's been a while since my last post.  I had hoped to be updating you on my exercise, walks in the woods, plans for my trip and passing on some words of wisdom about nature, belief and focus.  Instead I'm sitting here with my feet up getting slightly worried that all my hard work to date may have been for nothing.  I'm sure I can find something positive to say though....

On Saturday I was home alone, looking forward to a lazy evening in - I had done my chores, fed the cats, changed in to my comfy clothes and was getting settled on the sofa for a quiet night in when someone knocked on the door, I jumped up off the sofa and as I walked away my big toe got hooked in the turn up on my other trouser leg (baggy lounge pants!).  I had stepped forward before I realised.... And snap!  One broken big toe.

Okay, okay, not a massive injury but as its my big toe I have been told to stay off it for 5-7 weeks. No yoga, not PT and no Fight Klub 😰😰

Since breaking my toe I have heard lots of stories of people breaking their fingers or toes in clothes related accidents so I know I'm not alone.  To respect their confidentiality I won't share any here, but let's just say I didn't know knickers could be such a hazard!! 😂😂😂😂 you know who you are! 😉 Thank you to my friend Kate for helping me out in the immediate aftermath.

So now for the words of wisdom, don't wear baggy clothes, watch where you step, slow down and be careful!  Also, everything in moderation, take a break, treat yourself, enjoy life...and a spot of rose gardening!!

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