
As someone who spent most of her school years avoiding PE like the plague this is rather a big deal for me.  For those of you that might not know me let me give you some highlights:
  • I grew up in the rainforest on the other side of the world and PE lessons consisted of running home from school every day to avoid the massive rain cloud that passed over the little mining town like clockwork at 3pm every day;
  • When I moved back to the UK as an eleven year old I had not even heard of the games we were forced to play in PE - let alone the rules.  I only once scored a point in netball and then found out that 'goal defence' wasn't meant to shoot!
  • I fell in the ditch in a cross country class and nobody even noticed I was missing I was so insignificant to my class mates during PE;
  • My dad made my PE teacher cry one parents evening and she never EVER forgave me, making my PE lessons so bad my lovely music teacher fixed my horn lessons to clash with PE for the last two years of school (I'm pleased to say I went on to get a degree and the PE teacher is now a bar maid!);
  • I played in a brass band from age eleven and as such when most kids were out on their bikes or playing football at weekends I was sitting on my bum playing at concerts, fetes, contests and marches;
  • I nearly drowned twice by the time I was three and have had a massive fear of water since - swimming is a big deal for me!
  • I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis aged 24 after a massive acute flare up and spent 9 months in a wheelchair having steroids injected in to my body and intensive physio and hydrotherapy to get my body working again;
  • My favourite sports are F1 (that is done sitting down) and cricket that takes five days to play and ample glasses of Pimms.
  • I'm a little lazy.....and like wine.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lisa, I came across this blog by chance. I admire your challenge and wish you the best of luck. Best wishes Jo (ps I think you look great for 40)
