Wednesday 7 February 2018

I did it!

I did it
I came
I climbed
I conquered
I cried
I laughed
I doubted
I considered giving up
I dug deep
I gave myself a talking to
I continued
I saw Monkeys in the wild
I touched a cloud
I got serenaded
I have met some super supportive people along the way that I will love forever
I have no blisters
I sat alone on a rock, in pain, questioning why, when a stranger walked past.  He leaned in and gently squeezed my arm.  We did not speak, we did not make eye contact.  I am so grateful for that man.
I have reached the peak of the highest free standing mountain in the world
I can do anything
I am the proof of that
I now believe it
I slept under the stars
I watched the sun rise over the African wilderness
I put one foot in front of the other and I kept going
I 'planked for parks' on the summit
I did it
I will continue to fight to protect the earths wildlife
I have a purpose
I can make a difference
I can do anything
I climbed Mt Kilimanjaro.

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