Thursday 30 June 2016

The first rule of Fight Klub®.... to ALWAYS talk about it!  So I am.  Fight Klub® is highly addictive as many of my friends will tell you, not because they are addicted too but because it is all I talk about.  Tonight was the first time I'd been for ages, and don't my arms know it.
For those of you that haven't heard of it - check out the link to the left (or just click here).  I highly recommend it as something a little different, high intensity, good fun, high energy...and great after a bad day in the office!!  I first discovered FK when I went along to a 3ness Fitness Weekend (more about that to follow as I'm off to another one on Saturday).  It was set up by a man called Troy Dureh (his Michael Jackson classes are just as much fun) and the name comes from 'Fighting' as it's a martial arts based class and 'Klubbing' as the music is booming - and makes me feel very old(!) Its a mix of boxing, kick boxing & thai boxing and gives your whole body a workout.
I was desperate for classes to be set up nearer home so I could go regularly...and enter Duane & Darren, my saviours.  I'm sure it wasn't designed to help people train to climb a mahoosive mountain but I'm planning to keep it as a regular part of my training - I'll need very strong arms to cling on.... right?  Despite the fact there a lots of different moves I actually find the hardest thing is 'bouncing'.  I just can't do it, even though I'm sure I was bouncing before I was walking I just end up doing some embarrassing jiggy thing...any tips on how to bounce from babies gratefully received!  
Anyway, online booking is now open for July classes so I'm off to make sure I get my spot.  Bye for now.

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