Saturday 2 July 2016

Cuddles, laughing, fighting and dancing

My training is already underway for climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. This weekend sees the return of 3ness to Reading for another fitness weekend.  I came to my first one back in February and had such a good time I'm back for another round.  These weekends have a full programme of fitness classes to choose from, all a little different from what you would normally get offered at the gym - and all delivered by the most professional, warm, fun loving people.
The thing I love about these weekends is just how welcome you are made to feel by everyone involved, its basically one big love in of people from all backgrounds and all fitness levels.  My day started as I was welcomed by a big hug from Paul Francis (the man behind 3ness) luckily this was before classes had started and I was still smelling of roses! I've never met him before but thats what 3ness is like - everyone is treated like family.
I started with an hour of laughing yoga which was basically an hour of giggles so whats not to like?  Then I stepped it up a bit (a lot!) with Fit2Fight before embarking on a 90 minute Fight Klub - see my last post to find out more.  Having already been at it for 2 hours all I really wanted was another cuddle but I dug deep and thought of this small(ish) hill thingy in Africa I was going to be conquering and somehow got through the whole session without passing out.  Troy Dureh (Fight Klub founder) led the class and handed over to Dean Heitman for a 'Totally Shredded' session straight after.  Its no secret I love FK but wow - Dean was mental!  Photo below of me with Troy & Dean afterwards - not sure if I was smiling because of the company or because it was all over! Muscles rock.. 😉
Lovely lunch and off we went again - Kangoo Karnival with the two Jasons.  You have to google this, so much fun once you are brave enough to let go of the wall and let your boots do the bouncing.  Final class was the Michael Jackson experience with Troy (I did say in my last post I would talk about him again!).  This time we learned the routine to 'remember the time'.  I was hoping for Earth Song or Heal the World just to give me a little rest, but maybe my arms couldn't have coped with all that swaying following Fight Klub and Totally Shredded.
Thats it for today - home for a long bath and a catch up on the F1 qualifying - Lewis on pole I hear!! 😀
I would like to close by thanking everyone involved in this event yet again for a fantastic, professional, fun day.  Im going home broken but with my timetable for tomorrow all sorted - see you tomorrow 3ness for some pure relaxation.  Kilimanjaro training has begun.
Links to websites etc will be posted shortly! 

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