Friday 12 August 2016

World Elephant Day

Well I couldn't let today pass without a post!  August 12th is World Elephant Day - created to bring the world together to help elephants.  It is a day to honor elephants, to spread awareness about the critical threats they are facing, and to support positive solutions that will help ensure their survival.

A small act from you could make a big difference for these beauties, Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania is the largest game reserve in Africa - at 54.600km2, it is bigger than Switzerland.

In less than 40 years it has lost 90% of its elephant herds.  Between 2010 and 2013 six elephants were killed every single day.

Please take two minutes to join the WWF's fight to save Tanzania's largest wilderness.  It really just takes two minutes of your time but will mean a lot to elephants everywhere.

Thanks for doing your bit to celebrate World Elephant Day - now crack open the wine and have a good weekend!

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