Thursday 28 July 2016

The Riddall Effect

I mentioned The Riddall Effect in my last blog and wanted to talk a bit more about it in this post.  Caroline Riddall is my personal trainer and the lady behind The Riddall Effect.  Only a few weeks before I embarked on this adventure Caroline was recommended to me by my Yoga teacher as I was looking for a personal trainer.  Caroline had done training with Jo before and she couldn't speak highly enough of her, so that, along with the fact she worked out of my gym, was enough for me!
I initially started PT as I needed to make a change, I needed to do something to get fit & strong and get some confidence back along the way.  I'm 41 and was determined not to let the mid-life spread set in too soon.  I have had health issues in the past that have caused some issues for my joints and bones, so my exercise options have been limited.
Starting Yoga a couple of years ago has really helped me get some flexibility and strength back - it may seem like a simple thing but six weeks after starting yoga I was able to sit crossed legged on the floor for the first time in 14 years - and now I'm bending in to positions I never knew were possible.  Yoga has been a great help getting me where I am now.  More on Yoga in a later post.

Me and my elephant top hard at it on a PT session
My body is no different to many women, and as I'm getting older it's sagging in all the wrong places!  As Caroline calls them, my "wobbly bits" are expert wobblers!  Bulging belly, bingo wings and saggy boobs are just some of the joys of getting older.  I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that they also lead to a lack of body confidence and a wardrobe full of floaty tops.
Caroline was recommended to me not just because she is a personal trainer but because she works with women of all different shapes and sizes, helping them with fitness, confidence, mental and physical strength....she even throws in a few laughs along the way!

Caroline has done wonders for me already in the 2 months I have been seeing her.  I am getting stronger, more flexible, toned....and with it more confident.   My loose fitting tops at the gym have slowing been replaced with more fitted fitness clothes as I lose weight, tone up and make sure I show my wobbly bits that the best thing they can do is wobble off!
I wouldn't normally post photos like this, but my blog is about my preparations to climb a massive mountain - figuratively as well as literally - so Im embracing the wobble and sharing in the hope that others can see whats possible....and watch my wobble turn to a wobbl, and then a wobb, and The Riddall Effect are going to nail this.

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