Sunday 26 February 2017


Yesterday I went on a morning walk through the woods with my beautiful friend Emma and her furry friend Brandy, all the girls together.    Emma had found a walk on the Walkingworld website that started at Crowthorne and went via the River Blackwater and Finchampstead Ridges before returning to Crowthorne.  The walk was 5.7 miles long with a 52 meter height gain (so not far off Kilimanjaro!).

Emma & Brandy
It was great having a good old natter but we still managed to take in some of the lovely scenery in the woods, the snowdrops were out, the sun was shining and the rain stayed away.  We did however come across a boggy field that proved a bit of a challenge.  It slowed us down a bit as we had to walk right around the edge of the field to avoid sinking - but we were still ankle deep in mud, just as well I have the best hiking boots!

There was a bit of a hill on the walk with a perfectly positioned bench on the top to stop and have lunch whilst taking in the view. After the bog adventure we let Brandy walk ahead a little as she was great at sniffing out a route around the mud.  She was a little less keen to lead us up the hill but all three of us made it with little effort.

Whilst at the top of the hill we decided to do a spot of Yoga on the bench.  Well Emma did some Yoga and it was only right that I planked in honour of my personal trainer Caroline - who planks in the weirdest of places!

Emma was looking glamorous and I was looking a bit silly fully kitted out in trekking gear - perhaps a little over the top for the walk in hand but whatever - I needed to try things out and wanted to get in to the habit of walking with a weight on my back.

I'm off now to get sewing again as I'm nearly done making bags to sell.  I'm sick of the sight of them now so can't wait to get selling and bringing those pennies in!

Don't forget that my fundraising page is now up and running - please spread the word and sponsor me today HERE.

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