Saturday 18 February 2017

Bags, Bags, Bags.....Bags....

Well today has been rather productive as far as fundraising goes.  I'm still waiting for the African Parks registration to get finalised with Just Giving but in the meantime I finally feel like I'm making headway with the bags.

I mentioned in a previous post that Continental Clothing had donated some fabric offcuts and that I was planning to get a little creative to sell some home made goodies as part of my fundraising.

I'm going to use the fabric to jazz up some plain tops and maybe make some scarves or kimonos.  What I'm also doing is making a collection of 'bags for life' bags.  These will quite literally be bags for life as not only are they a great replacement for the evil plastic bag but any funds raised from selling them will go directly to saving wildlife in Africa.

I got the plain bags this weekend so have had to spend what feels like an eternity today ironing!  Thirty six bags to be exact.....but I had a little help from one of my furry friends... every bloomin' time I put a newly ironed bag down he sat on it!

I have added some photos below to give a taste of what's to come once the sewing machine is out.

Details of how to buy one of these beauties will be available on the fundraising page of this blog (click the link at the top of the home page) once they are done.

I'll also be updating my fitness page as I have recently done the first of what will be a monthly check in on weight, BMI, fat percentage, muscle percentage etc.  My personal trainer has also set a fitness test for me to do monthly so I can see how I am progressing - details of that will also be on the fitness page.

I hope you are all having a great weekend and enjoying the change in the weather.  I started the day with a full-on Fight Klub session - the sunshine isn't distracting me from the task in hand - fitness first!

I thought I'd leave you with another pic, I'm also making some Elephants out of the left over fabric....two of the herd of eight done now!

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