Sunday 12 March 2017

1 Second Everyday - Feb

I've been trying out an app a friend of mine recommended called '1 second everyday'.  It lets you record moments from your day (either photo or video) and it makes a short video for you with one second from every day.  You pick which second from each day you want included in the film and before you know it you have some happy memories all saved up to watch back and smile at.

I thought I'd give it a go to record some short highlights of my day/month/year to share on here.  Just a snippet of my fundraising and training....and a few ordinary days in-between.

I hope you enjoy my first short movie creatively titled....

I haven't quite figured out how I can cut each month in to a separate film so apologies in advance if each month you have to sit through the whole lot again!

Today I have finally finished creating a herd of elephants from cardboard and some African fabric kindly donated by Continent Clothing.

These, along with some other bits & pieces I've been making will be on sale soon.  No doubt they will feature in next months movie....

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