Tuesday 14 March 2017

500elephants - and growing! #goodnews

Never mind good news - this is great news!

Those of you following the journey of 500elephants may have already seen the news that there have been some baby elephants born in Nkhotakota wildlife reserve in Malawi.

Nkhotakota was once home to more than 1500 elephants but over the last two decades this has dropped to fewer than 100.  This decline was obviously down to the demand for their ivory by greedy, selfish humans.  Just two years ago Nkhotakota was 1,800km2 of empty, lifeless forest.

African Parks decided to repopulate Nkhotakota with 500 elephants from two other parks in Malawi. In 2016, 261 elephants were successfully moved from Liwonde National Park to a sanctuary within Nkhotakota.  Another 240 elephants will be moved to join them during 2017 from Liwonde National Park and Majete Wildlife Reserve.

Since being moved, there have been sightings of elephants calves that have been born in Nkhotakota. Given gestation is 22 months, this means these babies were conceived in Liwonde and were transported safely to their lovely new home.

Now they can thrive and bring much love, fun, dirt rolls and grumbles to this once barren park.  The massive move of 500 elephants hasn't finished yet and already the elephant population is on the up.

With more elephants top join them, and who knows how many many more little ones on the way - this really is a good news story, for African elephants, for hope and for African Parks.

To quote African Parks:

"In conservation, good news is often just the absence of bad news.  Here at African Parks, we like to bring you the good news that is happening all around us."

This is exactly why I am fundraising for African Park - positivity breeds positivity. Lets focus on the good and remember the hard working people that commit their lives to making it happen.

Please sponsor me to make a small difference to a large family of elephants! And don't forget to spread the word, share the #GoodNews!

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