Sunday 9 April 2017

Kilimanjaro - Hakuna Matata!

Who knew there was a Kilimanjaro Song?

One of the many things I'm looking forward to as I work through the stages of the climb is being serenaded by the team taking us up.

The Kilimanjaro song celebrates your achievements along the way, be it arriving at a campsite to end a days climbing, reaching the summit and getting back to bases camp at the end of the climb.

Here's a little clip of a crew singing it on their climb - Kilimanjaro Song

Kilimanjaro, Kilimanjaro
Kilimanjaro, mlima mrefu sana (Kilimanjaro, long mountain journey)
Na Mawenzi, na Mawenzi (And Mawenzi, and Mawenzi)
Na Mawenzi, mlima mrefu sana (And Mawenzi, long mountain journey)
Ewe nyoka, ewe nyoka (as a snake, as a snake)
Ewe nyoka, mbona waninzungukaa (As a snake, it winds all around)

Jambo, jambo Bwana (Hello, hello Sir)
Habari gani (How are you?)
Mzuri sana (Very fine)
Wageni, mwakaribishwa (Foreigners, you're welcome)
Kilimanjaro, hakuna matata (Kilimanjaro, there is no problem)

Tembea pole pole, hakuna matata (Walk slowly, slowly, no problem)
Utafika salama, hakuna matata (You'll get there safe, no problem)
Kunywa maji mengi, hakuna matata (Drink plenty of water, no problem)

The song is sung in Swahili so I might get one of the guides to teach me it as we climb (assuming I have enough breath!).

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