Wednesday 5 July 2017

Zakouma National Park - Chad

Zakouma totals 3,054 KM2 and has been an African Parks project since 2010.  In spite of regional conflict, Zakouma remains one of the few intact Sudano-Sahelian ecosystems in Africa and it is a critical representative habitat for Central and West African animal species, making it one of the most important protected areas on the continent.  Since African Parks assumed management of the park elephant poaching has come almost to a halt and the population has stabilised and is growing with at least 80 calves under the age of three counted in 2016.  Due to improved management and an effective ranger team, Zakouma is emerging as a coveted tourist destination, and is bringing much needed stability to the area.

The stats....
  • 30 elephant calves born in 2015;
  • 80 elephant calves born in 2016;
  • 650 children attended four 'elephant schools' which serve the community;
  • Zakouma is home to 50% of Africa's Kordofan giraffe.
The Highlights
  • Rapid Response Units have almost completely halted poaching in the park;
  • After eight years of poaching, elephant numbers are on the rise with the population surpassing 500 in 2016;
  • Species including giraffe, roan antelope, Lelwel's hartebeest and buffalo have all recovered, with buffalo now numbering in excess of 10,000 from an original 200 in 1986;
  • Four elephant schools provide education to more than 650 local children;
  • Zakouma's Tinga Lodge and Camp Nomade have increased in tourism revenue by 27% since 2014.
What next for Zakoura?
  • Formulate a land use plan to create an elephant corridor beyond the park, which forms part of a 25,00 KM2 greater ecosystem;
  • Improve the educational curriculum and environment following the opening of additional Elephant Schools, which address the dispersed local population;
  • Continue efforts to reintroduce black rhinos into the park;
  • Further boost the number of Chadian visitors to the park, both as tourists and through the outreach programme.
All of this information has been taken from the African Parks website.  If you want to find out even more about Zakouma National Park then why not grab a cuppa and click on the link below - happy browsing!

Zakouma National Park 

PS - here is a link to my just giving page - click here to sponsor me 😘

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