Friday, 15 December 2017

Calm, Ease, Smile, Breathe

This is Karen.  Not only do I have the pleasure of working with Karen, but she sits opposite me so I get to look at that lovely face every day!  Karen has practiced Martial Arts for many years and has recently qualified as a Yoga instructor.  This is yet another string to her bow and adds to her personal motto - Calm, Ease, Smile, Breathe. 

Karen also practices and teaches Washindo.  Washindo Kai - way of the peaceful heart.  You can find out more about that, along with details of lessons and retreats Karen runs in Portugal by clicking here.

She will soon be launching her new Yoga website - I really don't know how she has the time on top of her day job and everything she does for everyone else!

Karen has just starting running Yoga classes at work, not just for our employees but for employees of all Companies we share our building with.  And as is typical of Karen's nature, she is giving all the money she earns to our fundraising efforts. 

Alongside our individual fundraising, we have a joint fundraising page that we are using to collect donations from our colleagues and professional contacts. Any funds will simply be split equally between me and Susie.   Karen's generosity has helped us towards our current total of £3,000.  That's £1,500 for African Parks on top of the (so close!) £2,000 I have already raised....and we are still going!

I wanted to do a blog post about Karen, not just because she inspires me daily, but because she is one of the people I could not be doing this without.  Karen keeps me smiling, she keeps me sane and keeps me balanced.  She is also giving her time and money to help my fundraising, which in turn helps African Parks, that helps the elephants....and without being too dramatic about it - that helps the planet!!  So Karen is quite literally saving the world.

Thank you Karen. x
Calm, Ease, Smile, Breathe

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, it's a pleasure to both work with, practice with and smile with you on a daily basis. You are immersed in an amazing adventure, you will be awesome and I know I will be inspired by your story when you return xx
