Friday 15 December 2017

Garamba National Park - Democratic Republic of the Congo

Garamba totals 4,900 KM2 and comprises part of the larger Garamba Complex of 12,500 KM2.  An  African Parks project since 2005, Garamba is one of Africa's oldest national parks and was designated a World Heritage Site for its exceptional biodiversity.  The park's dense forest and savannah landscapes were the last known refuge of the northern white rhino, which is now presumed extinct in the wild; and the park used to home more than 22,000 elephants, but sadly fewer than 1,300 remain.  Garamba is the frontline of the poaching crisis, but inspire intensifying regional threats, African Parks is determined to ensure Garamba's elephants and the endangered Kordofan giraffe receive the needed protection to sustain their long-term future.

The stats....
  • 37 Kordofan giraffe, monitored by tracking devices;
  • Educational textbooks distributed to 20,000 local student;
  • Bird diversity is high with more than 340 species recorded.
The Highlights
  • After a decade of intense pressure from the LRS, the park's helicopter and the reopening of 100 km of roads has aided park management's ability to control the entire park;
  • Anti poaching effectiveness has been improved using new digital communication systems; and new rapid reaction teams are on standby 24/7 to support those deployed in the field;
  • Park management is providing communities with access to essential infrastructure, including new schools and a fully equipped hospital on the park perimeter;
  • Local communities will be trained in sustainable agriculture, beekeeping, fish farming and reforestation to support their families.
What next for Garamba?
  • Continue strengthening law enforcement operations;
  • Introduce conservation programmes for species in need of urgent protection; the last remaining 37 Kordofan giraffes in the DRC which have been fitted with tracking devices; and implement advanced tactics to curtail the slaughter of elephants;
  • Improve park infrastructure to enhance counter-poaching capacity;
  • Implement an informant network around the periphery of the park.
All of this information has been taken from the African Parks website.  If you want to find out even more about Garamba National Park then why not grab a cuppa and click on the link below - happy browsing!

Garamba National Park 

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