Tuesday 9 January 2018

Chinko - Central African Republic

Chinko's mixed landscape of tropical forest and Congolese savannah is one of the only areas in the world where savannah and rainforest animals share the same landscape.  The park is home to as many as ten primate species, five field species, both forest and savannah elephants, and the highly threatened Lord Derby eland.  Despite being located in one of the most conflict-ridden and volatile parts of Africa, Chinko is one of the largest and most critical conservation projects on the African continent.

Providing a wildlife sanctuary for the region, Chinko, which was brought under the management of African Parks in 2014 and for which a 50-year mandate was given, holds the potential of offering a secure and sustainable future for both people and wildlife.

The stats....
  • Over 280 bird species and 80 key mammal species;
  • 60 rangers in first ever law enforcement unit;
  • 400 people employed making African Parks one of the largest employers in the region;
  • The ivory and bushmeat markets have resulted in a 95% depletion of wildlife in CAR.
The Highlights
  • African Parks is one of the largest regional employers with over 440 people;
  • The first ranger unit of 60 rangers was formed from 200 applicants;
  • Anti-Poaching patrols and law enforcement work have doubled the Ngoy Protection Zone to 2,000 KM2, providing security for wildlife;
  • Seven highly threatened Lord Derby eland have been collared for the first ever monitoring programme;
  • 29 'parent teachers' have been employed for 11 surrounding villages.
What next for Chinko?
  • Reduce the presence of Sudanese herdsmen by introducing designated livestock corridors and educating them on reducing conflict with predators;
  • Build permanent staff accommodation and install needed VHF systems;
  • Better equip the law enforcement team to effectively protect the park.
All of this information has been taken from the African Parks website.  If you want to find out even more about Chinko then why not grab a cuppa and click on the link below - happy browsing!


PS - here is a link to my just giving page - click here to sponsor me ðŸ˜˜

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