Saturday 20 January 2018

Liwonde National Park - Malawi

An African Parks project since 2015, totals 548 KM2.  Situated in southern Malawi, ancient baobabs and lofty borassus palms preside over Liwonde's small yet vibrant landscape of dense woodlands, lagoons and fertile floodplains.  While having sustained high levels of poaching over the past few decades, this still productive ecosystems, sustaining over 400 species of birds, the largest elephant population in the country and a flourishing population of plains game mammals, is poised for the reintroduction of large predators.  The restoration of key species and historical levels of biodiversity is re-establishing Liwonde as one of the country's iconic wilderness areas.

The stats....
  • 261 elephants were moved to Nkhotakota in 2016, 550 elephants remain in the park;
  • 78 permanet and 100 temporary jobs created for the local community through fencing and construction projects;
  • 85 rangers trained.
The Highlights
  • Essential infrastructure is being installed and upgraded, including the new 140 km perimeter fence.  Fencing and construction projects have provided permanent and temporary employment for 178 people;
  • Since 2015, 16,000 snares and 40 gin traps have been removed, 43 kg of ivory have been seized and 85 rangers have been trained;
  • The nearby Nanthomba School has been upgraded, and park visits have been provided to local schools;
  • 261 elephants were translocated from Liwonde to help restock Nkhotakota in 2016.
What next for Liwonde?
  • Reintroduction of predators, beginning with cheetah, following completion of the fence;
  • Continue management and monitoring of existing populations of elephant and black rhino;
  • Continue translocation of elephants to Nkhotakota in 2017, with an additional 50 coming from Liwonde  and 200 from Majete;
  • Construct new staff accommodation and roads, and improve access to water and electricity.
All of this information has been taken from the African Parks website.  If you want to find out even more about Liwonde National Park then why not grab a cuppa and click on the link below - happy browsing!

Liwonde National Park 

PS - here is a link to my just giving page - click here to sponsor me đŸ˜˜

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