Friday 20 January 2017

Getting Creative - Its not all train, train, train

I'm still waiting for a few bits & pieces to be finalised so I can start fundraising.  As my chosen charity are not registered in the UK its taking a few extra steps to get my fundraising page set up.

That isn't stopping me getting organised with a few money raising ideas I have - a nice mix of traditional fundraisers such as cake sales, quiz nights etc right through to fitness events, beauty treatments and a touch of fashion.

You can probably gather that I'm passionate about wildlife.  Elephants have always been a favourite of mine, although I don't discriminate and love anything that moves, furry or not (except frogs, I draw the line at frogs!).   The issues facing our ever decreasing wild animal population and the frightening decline in some of the most loved species on the planet is in the most part down to human greed, vanity....and 'sport'.  I can assure you that no animals will be harmed in my fitness training to climb Kilimanjaro.

I'm fundraising for an African charity that focuses on three main areas: saving wildlife; anti poaching and community engagement.  Given I am climbing an African mountain for an African charity I thought I would bring a bit of Africa into my fundraising.

And this is where I'm getting creative...With a little help from my friends, I will be making some simple bags, tops and scarves to sell - with all the proceeds going towards my fundraising target.

Each one will be unique and made with some beautiful African prints.  Kindly donated by Continent Clothing.

Continent Clothing are a socially responsible business that provides employment opportunities and economic empowerment to all that work for them.  I can't put it any better than they do themselves so here's a few words from their website.....

We Design The Clothes, We Select Fabrics. We Find The Tailors. They Make The Clothes. You Wear Them. Their Children Get Educated. You Get Noticed.

They design their own clothes, which are then produced by artisan tailors in The Gambia.  I recently bought a skirt from them and what I loved is that I could go on to their website and see exactly who made it.  Ousman lives and works in Sukuta.  Since working with Continent Clothing he has been able to extend his family home and now has the facility to add apprentices to his team.

I love everything about Continent Clothing.  The designs, the vibrant colours, the ethics, the opportunities and the business model.  So imagine my delight when they agreed to donate to me a pile of off-cuts of these beautiful African prints.


The images on this post are fabric donations they have given me to get creative and raise some cash. I'm planing to use the off-cuts to jazz up plain vest tops, bags for life etc so watch this space if you want a small bit of Africa in your wardrobe or on your arm.  More details to follow though the year.

If you simply can't wait then why not visit Continental Clothing now and help get the talented tailors in The Gambia noticed.  If you prefer not to shop online or would rather be wowed by the colours in person then visit one of their stores - they are based in the Harris Arcade, Reading or in Shoreditch, London.

Big thanks for your kind donation towards my fundraising!!

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