Sunday 29 January 2017

My trusted support - left, right, left, right

There are many people that are going to support me in my quest to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro.  They all bring something special, something personal.  They all have something I need - from fitness tips, to motivational quotes.  From fundraising ideas to skills & experience I'm going to need to call upon.  I have, and will continue, to mention these lovely people in my blog as I couldn't do this without them.

This post is about some very important support I am getting - support that started this weekend when I went for a walk in the beautiful English countryside.  Support that won't necessarily be with me every training session or fundraising event but that will certainly be with me every step of the way up the mountain....and back again!  A relationship that only recently blossomed but probably one of the most important of the challenge that lies ahead of me....I'm talking, of course, about my hiking boots!

Full Rainbow and views across Oxfordshire (cutest photo bomb ever!)
My husband bought me my trusted pair of boots for Christmas.  I now have a year to wear them in so I don't get any blisters on the climb.  On Saturday we went for a walk around the Uffington White Horse and Dragon Hill so I could start the 'breaking in' process, but the right pair of sock meant there wasn't a blister in sight!

The hail storm that hit just as we arrived in the car park meant that any hope of keeping them looking shiny and new went out of the window but a good two hour walk, up and down hill, and it felt like I'd had them forever.

Scarpa Terra GTX Boots
I'm sure my boots will make an appearance again in a later post but if anyone is feeling inspired to get some proper boots and get walking I can highly recommend these!  Not full-on mountaineering boots as I won't needs those for Kilimanjaro, but certainly supportive, weatherproof, lightweight, and VERY comfortable.
Wayland's Smithy - an nice break point along the trail
Even if I don't make it to the summit of Kilimanjaro (I will! I will!!) these boots are going to mean I get out and about much more than normal and will get to explore some of the beautiful countryside England has to offer.  Saturdays walk wasn't too challenging and my knees held out for the whole time but coming back down made me realise I definitely need to get practicing with my poles (another xmas gift that I haven't tried out yet).  I've had mixed reviews about poles but I am definitely going to need the extra support and balance on my way back down from the summit so am going to need to get used to using them - and who cares if I'm the only one using them, I need to be able to walk when I get back.

That's all for now - quick one tonight as my bath is calling, another week at work.  Yoga, Kettlebells, Fight Klub and Personal training this week, its going to be a hard one!

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