Sunday 10 July 2016


Its been a while since my last post, I guess I'm still getting used to what I should post and what people might be interested in.  This blog is all about my journey to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa.  Im not actually climbing it for 18 months but I wanted to share why, what, how etc.
As I sit here watching the British F1 Grand Prix I thought I would talk a bit about motivation.  It's no secret that Lewis Hamilton is my hero.  Lewis was just an ordinary boy from Stevenage with a passion for racing.  Lewis started go-karting as a young boy, had a cheeky chat with Ron Dennis and here he is, a three times F1 World Champion with many more to come I'm sure.

I'm not at all comparing my challenge with what Lewis has to do day in day out, my point is that with hard work, commitment and belief you can do anything.  Lewis has not let anything, or anyone, stand in his way as he has followed his dream with sheer determination.  He has had many challenges to face along the way, but as they say "you never lose, you win or you learn".  Lewis is always putting that learning to good use - and I intend to learn a lot from his drive and positivity as I take on a massive challenge of my own.

So whats motivating me?  I wouldn't say climbing mountains is something I do.  I'm not big on exercise, trekking or anything some might class as 'extreme'.  I just needed to do something, have something to focus on, to work towards, to challenge me, to scare me.  I'm 40 years old and not getting any younger......I want to look back on my life and feel proud, feel that I have lived life to the full.   Don't get me wrong, I have a very good life - but like many people my age I am starting to question what it's all about, why am I here and what can I do to feel that its not all over just yet!!

I will be climbing Kilimanjaro to raise money for charity, but my motivation is more than that.  I'm climbing it to get myself physically stronger, mentally stronger and emotionally stronger.  I want to look back and say "I did that".  I have nothing to prove to anyone, this is for me, to give me something to be proud of.  Lewis just won the race, another achievement, another success - I will most certainly being following his ethos.  Well done Lewis, Africa here I come.

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