Tuesday 19 July 2016

Start as you mean to go on

I went on a walk on Sunday, the first of many I'm sure.  I'm not a great walker, I walk to work and back each day (weather permitting) but that's a leisurely stroll along the Thames, feeding the ducks and passing the time of day with dog walkers.  Two and a half kilometers each way so I guess 5k walking is a good start for someone that "doesn't walk".
Sunday was a rare day in the UK as the sun came out - and its true what they say "Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid day sun."  My husband suggested we went for a walk as I need to start getting used to walking for hours at a time on rough terrain....and uphill!  He was being kind and suggested a short 4k walk along the Thames to Sonning.  An easy walk, passing George Clooney's house and ending in a quite little village pub that's great for Z list celebrity spotting.  But where's the fun in that??
So out came the book of walks in Berkshire and instead I suggested a slightly more challenging 10k walk around the village or Wargrave.  This walk was listed as 2 out of 3 difficulty and 2 out of 3 gradient, reaching 248ft.  The walk was meant to take a minimum of 2 hours 15 minutes, so perfect in the midday sun!
Ten minutes in and already I was thinking "What am I doing? Why didn't I agree to Sonning?".  But I kept quiet, smiled sweetly and secretly felt a little smug that I had thought to put my elephant trousers on whilst Grahams bare legs were getting attacked by thistles over every stile.

After a short break to play with some horses we crossed a bridleway that took us out of the fields and into a dense forest. I have to admit I got a bit spooked at this point, we really were out in the middle of nowhere, hot and running out of water.  But then I started to look around, what a beautiful place. Dense tall trees with the sun beaming through onto the ground below that was covered in wild flowers.  Perfect.  All I needed was for Legolas to come galloping through on his white horse and look deep in to my eyes and I would be in heaven.  It would have been wrong not to stop and get at one with nature so a less than elegant tree pose, on a slope, in chunky walking boots and we were on the home straight.
I survived with no cuts, no blisters, no sunburn....and still 18 months to go.  I think I'm going to enjoy this training (still waiting for Legolas).

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