Sunday 21 May 2017

A day in the life of....

Today I had absolutely nothing on.  Nothing in the diary, no training plans, no sewing, nothing.  I was very much looking forward to my day of nothing and because of that I LITERALLY HAVEN'T STOPPED!!!

I used to be really good at doing nothing, I could easily occupy myself making tea, playing with the cats, watching a bit of TV, having a bath etc but now it seems the only way I can get any rest is to actually do something that forces me to leave the house.  So much for a quiet one!

This is what a 'rest day' in the life of someone planning to climb Kilimanjaro looks like:

Lisa's to do list - Sunday, 21st May

  • Draft some blog posts
  • Plank (of course!)
  • Complete another module of the Animal Conservation course I'm doing
  • Glute stretches
  • Washing
  • Charity Shop drop
  • Write Kilimanjaro kit shopping list
  • Contact my local MP candidates about an issue I am interested in (yes I'm getting into politics!)
  • A few kettlebell swings
  • Ironing
  • Bath

I'm tired and I'm meant to be resting!  Its fair to say Kilimanjaro and all its prep is taking over my life this year.  But lets not forget why I'm doing it.

I couldn't just have a boring post about my life so am sharing some photos of a little cutie.   'Navaan' was just a month old when I volunteered at the elephant sanctuary in Thailand.  Here are a few shots of this cheeky little boy to take your mind off the fact that Monday morning is looming....

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