Sunday 28 May 2017

The 500 elephants campaign

Any regular followers will know that one of the reasons I am supporting African Parks is their 500 elephants initiative.

Africa Parks in collaboration with the Department of National Parks and Wildlife is undertaking one of the largest elephant translocations in human history.  Up to 500 elephants will be moved over this year and next from Liwonde National Park and Majete Wildlife Reserve, to Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve.  All three parks are managed by African Parks, who is responsible for the protection of 90% of Malawi's elephants.

The 500 elephants are moving as African Parks is building a 16,000 ha sanctuary in Nkhotakota for the elephants and other reintroduced game species.  This is an extremely hopeful story for conservation, elephants, Malawi and the people involved.  It will relieve two parks of human-elephant conflict situations and better protect their habitats while simultaneously restoring wildlife to a park that has been depleted due to poaching.  The new arrivals to Nkhotakota will help with tourism, park development and local employment whilst fueling a conservation led economy.

I wanted to share this video with you - it only short and is therefore perfect to watch with a cuppa in your break.

It goes behind the scenes of this epic move, showing just how much team work, courage, compassion, determination and inspiration there is at African Parks - they set an example to us all!


If you want to help make a difference and help secure the future of these beauties, along with other species threatened with extinction, you can sponsor me below.  Go on, you know you want to. 😘🐘

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