Thursday 4 May 2017

Its not all Elephants - Rhino's return to Rwanda

Following on from the success of 500elephants, African Parks are at it again, but this time its Rhinos on the move.

African Parks, in partnership with the Akagera Management Company, the Rwanda Development Board and with some very generous support from the Howard G Buffett Foundation, the Dutch Government and People's postcode lottery, is moving a founder population of approximately 20 Eastern Black Rhinos to Akagera National Park in Rwanda.

This Rhino move will mark the historic return of this threatened species to Akagera where a population of over 50 Eastern Black Rhino's once thrived.  The last confirmed sighting of an Eastern Black Rhino in Akagera was documented way back in 2007.

The Eastern Black Rhino's are being moved from South Africa to Akagera National Park in Rwanda in a cross-continent journey spanning over 4,000km.

Want to know how you move a Rhino? Watch this short video to find out more.

This isn't just another good news story for Rhino's, when African Parks partnered with the Rwanda Development Board to manage Akagera, they overhauled law enforcement in park reducing poaching to an all time low, they brought Lions back to the park in 2015 and increased tourism by 550% in a six year period.  Now the park is secure, flourishing and ready for the return of the Rhino.

If you want to find out more and follow this journey please visit the website below.

African Parks are setting yet another example of what can be achieved with the right management, a positive attitude, teamwork, hope and a whole lot of love for the planet.  That's why I'm supporting them - raising awareness is one thing, but the positive steps African Parks is taking to bring African wildlife back from the brink really is setting an example to the rest of us.

To do your bit, please spread the word and give generously to my fundraising page by clicking on the donate now button on the left of this post.

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